Yesterday I Ended a Seven Year Karmic Cycle

New Moon 5:39am ET on Wednesday Aug. 16

I woke up this morning with my pendulum dangling from my fingers while reciting the lyrics to a song (I think it was Wavelength) and that's not even the strangest thing that's happened to me during this magical time.

The New Moon in Leo During the Lion's Gate Portal 

"New Moons are the beginning of the lunar cycle occuring once a month. It’s a time to reset our intentions, desires, and goals to manifest our objectives in the weeks that lead to the Full Moon (the end of the monthly lunar cycle). This occurs when the sun and moon align in the same sign and degree. Both planets are invisible to Earth, but then the moon forms a crescent shape in the sky after the New Moon peaks. Unlike Full Moons, this lunar phenomenon hinders our intuition and urges us to take steps that can catapult us forward. It’s a time of endings and beginnings — after all, every new beginning comes from an ending of some sort. One door closes, another one opens."
