SIA- Survivors of Childhood Incest Anonymous Phone Line and Meeting Times

If you have been sexually abused by your father, sibling, clergy, family friend, etc. as a child, there is help. I care about you and want you to find the support you need to heal. 

When calling the free phone line, remember the meetings are eastern time, so if you're on the west coast, like myself, you must call 3 hours in advance of the times listed. 


We welcome you to the internet presence of the Survivors of Incest Anonymous World Service Office. This site is intended to be a resource to survivors of childhood sexual abuse who are seeking to heal and recover. As we say in our meetings, we hope you will find here the hope, camaraderie and recovery that we have been privileged to experience. We want you to know you are not to blame, and most importantly, you are not alone. We know your pain. Yet, we have come to the awesome realization that our pain is temporary and that if any one of us can recover – so can we all!

We are a spiritual, self-help program of women and men, 18 years or older, who are guided by a set of 12 Suggested Steps and 12 Traditions, along with our Slogans and the Serenity Prayer. We define incest very broadly as a sexual encounter initiated by a family member or by an extended family member that damaged the child. By “extended family” we mean an aunt, uncle, in-law, stepparent, cousin, friend of the family, teacher, coach, another child, clergy or anyone that that betrayed the child’s trust. The only requirement for membership is that you are a victim of child sexual abuse, and you want to recover. There are no dues or fees in our meetings. If you feel that you belong, we believe you.

Our program is peer support. All literature is written by fellow survivors. We share our experience, strength, and hope from working our 12 Step program of healing. We do not have any professional therapists working in our groups. SIA is not a replacement for therapy or any other professional service when needed.

Survivors of Incest Anonymous is responsible for the content found on this site. However, SIA is not associated with, and takes no responsibility for, any external websites that have linked this site or otherwise directed you here, nor is it responsible for the content of their statements to the world.

To learn more, click here:

Survivors of Incest Anonymous

For all meetings call:

All meetings are eastern time. 
