Patrick Teahan has short videos on YouTube and I love his shorts, because I have the attention span of a knat and I'm not interested in the dope cycle (Adderall). Thanks but no thanks. I'll just live with my special needs. 

He breaks down the truth, very quickly and without all the BS. Of course, he does have longer videos, but I rarely watch those- too depressing AND as I've said before... wait now... what was I saying...

How does someone such as myself stay away from antidepressants and other meds? It's easy... I don't watch or read the news; I certainly don't watch sad movies. In the 80s, I cried for hours after watching Beaches. And no- for the most part- I don't listen to sad songs. I also don't watch true crime shows about kidnapped/abused/killed kids or abused animals. Of course, I did watch Tiger King- hate that pos. I also watched the one about Alex "Murda"- hate that pos, too.

I don't volunteer at shelters- animal or human; I don't pay attention to caged or chained up animals (something I saw a lot in Hawaii)... so depressing. I don't visit zoos or animal circuses (I'm not sure if they even have circuses anymore). I do LOVE to visit Wildlife Safari, Winston Oregon, even though some of their animals are penned up.

Back in the day, I had to avoid caffeine, because it would put me on cloud nine- WOWWW-WEEEE! However, the drop down could be very painful, so I avoided it, except for a tad bit just to get me going. I already wasn't drinking alcohol, because I didn't drink for 13 years, while raising my kids.

When I met people who were diagnosed as bipolar, I noticed that some would have the coffee in the morning and the whiskey in the afternoon. Umm... I think, even a dog would choose different. 

Matter of fact, my dog was so smart, he would sometimes wait until bedtime to eat his dinner, just in case I was going to give him a yummy snack (usually fish or a boiled egg). He didn't want to over do it. Of course, he always had a carrot to nibble on/play with. He absolutely loved when I gave him a few frozen green beans. Lettuce- not so much. He would toss it in the air a few times, while pretending to nibble on it, then just let it drop to the floor. The Lettuce wouldn't even have a single bite mark. People would marvel at his beautiful, white teeth. No, I didn't brush them. And no, I didn't say: look at my dog's white teeth.

Every morning, he and I would have a poached egg for breakfast. One morning, I set his saucer down and went into the bathroom. When I came back out, his egg was still there, waiting for me to join him- so sweet!

Having a pet makes me sad too, though, because deep down, I know they long to be with their own kind... OMG, that's just so sad, to me. I feel so sorry for all the dogs people are bringing into the casinos, these days. Half of them have their tail between their legs- so scared.

My emotional support animal is a fake crow that sits on my dash, when I drive. He sits on a heart shaped, braided, wool trivet. His name is Rave-On (pronounced Raven) the Riveter. I named him after a Van Morrison song (Rave on John Donne). Do I talk to Rave-On? Of course I do (when I get nervous around semi trucks). Yes, semis make me nervous. Rave on John Donne
