more snap, crackle and pop fun:

Fat chance I will hand over my power to anybody. I am Tomnipotent and can regroup quickly and come back stronger than before. I have the shady sharks and shock dogs to thank for that. 

If one of you happen to stumble upon this blog of my tash experiences, then thank you for helping me grow. Namaste, mother fuckers! 

I ruined a bully's  day, treated myself to a written word salad, busied myself with tapping into love and happily have more power than ever. 

Taking you to task is a silent burn. A very quiet retreat, identified as being a slow, fairy minded (😘), lover of flower essences and ETs, who enjoys frolicking among the wildflowers, rocks, streams and mountains; having fun and doing as little as possible. 

Oddly, building myself up peeves you even more. I didn't crumble, like all your other unfortunate victims. Cashing in on others' happiness is the lowest form of nasty. 

Adjustment time for you, as the denadding process commences. Can you hear the angels sing? There are many celebrations in heaven. 

Had I known this message would come through, I would have been even happier, earlier in the day. Chiding you for your disgusting, evil ways, is a lovely way to begin or end my day. 

A wise person once said, "laugh when you taint and you'll cry when you ain't." ☠ Just kidding, I made that up, just now. Yeah. I quoted myself, mofos! The Tomnipotent Talcum Gypsy has spoken.
