Crappy power move #9 by the bored, lonely, seething narcissist:

The Dog Zoomies 

If you have never seen it and I know you have, it's a sight to behold. One example of when you'll see the dog zoomies in a personality possessed narcissist, is after they successfully drain somebody's energy, leaving them a devastated, desecated carcus. 

This energy gain is off the charts for the personality possessed narcissist and the zoomies set in like a chaotic tornado. It's a blissfully fun time for them. 

The most important thing to remember is never, ever follow the narcissist, especially when they have the dog zoomies. They would be absolutely tickled pink to have you follow them around, while trying to reason with them. 

Being around a narcissist is not like walking on eggshells, it's more like walking on thin ice. They are bragging heretics, reaching the apparent conclusion that happiness is treading on convention. They write crackpot rules about nonconformity and create division by treating certain individuals as less than deserving of happiness. Then the personality possessed narcissist regales you with tall tales of how wonderful they are. 

Can I be more specific about the crackpot rules, dog zoomies, tall tales and other personality possessed actions of a narcissist? No. I cannot be specific, because the rules and whatnot change as often as a babies loaded diaper, because the narcissist is as full as one. 

They are cesspool people, running scared, chasing rugs for sweeping under.
