Bay of Pigs

Tucked into every story is a pig analogy, it seems. Lord of the Flies comes to mind, as well as the movie Deliverance. Who can forget the "squeal like a pig" scene? 

I remember a time when people said that I eat like a pig. It's brutal to have a lot of siblings, sometimes. I bit off more than I can chew in that department. I mostly ignored the rude, disrespectful and hypocritical comments from older siblings and their spouses, but it did have an impact. 😌 

Today I'm living in Devil's Canyon and there is no better place, in my opinion. I just have to remember that habits are hard to break, FOR EVERYONE–myself included. Fat chance I will rise to the top of the class in charm school. Offending others turns out to be easily said AND done. 

I have taken fun to a whole new level with this full moon matter. Recognizing that males tend to pick more fights during a full moon happened to me years ago, but personally feeling it seems to be a new thing for me. I don't know what that's about, but I'm still feeling it days later. 

I see people, here, in Devil's Canyon who have known one another all their lives and they fight, forgive others, forgive themselves and get past it. They meet up at the river, up the mountain, local events and for the most part get along with each other without holding grudges. 

I usually end up having warm feelings for people, even narcissists who have brutally attacked me, but I must draw the line with these types. They usually seem to weed themselves out and avoid showing up at gatherings, so that's good. Anyway, here I am in Devil's Canyon where I belong, for now.
