The mystery of life:

You are the one who gets to decide the mystery of life. I also get to decide the mystery of life. 

Shown the beauty of a garden, up close and personal, as a pinpoint and flying slowly through stems, leaves and flowers, I treasured every moment of the experience. Having covered a river in the same way (slowly), at Kiss of Life River, I learned that I have an exceptional attention span. 

Do you see what I did there? I gave the river a name, which it didn't have until now. It's kind of an ironic name considering kiss of life involves air. Unless you're a selkie, then it might be saltwater. 

Although rivers have fresh water, or at the very least, brackish, Kiss of Life River has a vortex or whirlpool area that flows upstream, bringing in saltwater, from the ocean, then flows back down. This is very healing for all who enter. 

Since I get to decide the mystery of life, I have decided that hearing my name, called out loudly, by the "crazy" neighbor man, is quite beautiful! Crazy neighbor man is not actually calling my name, but I don't know that unless I go outside to hear him more clearly. 

I am not sure what he's shouting, but when I'm inside, it sounds like, "Janice... Janice... Janice..." I love that. I would love for you to show up here and just call out my name in that way. 

It would make me feel like I'm in an old movie with Shirley MacLaine or something. I really liked her in the movie called, The Trouble With Harry. 

If you are so inclined to do this, you know where I'm at.
