
Obviously, I am not just the messenger, but my messages are open to interpretation, because I don't necessarily know what they mean. I would never personally commit a violent act against anybody, nor would I try to destroy a person's reputation, no matter what they have done to me.

I feel bad for hunting down and killing a bug, so hurting a human is not in me. If somebody else offs an evil person, then my opinion is, "c'est la vie." They were asking for it. I  know- harsh. 

As far as being protected by Griffin, I'm not interested in testing it out, by walking alone on a dangerous stretch of road, etc. Griffin's bedtime stories have entertainment value and that's it. I don't have any major thoughts about them, but they do make me laugh, sometimes. 

I need to laugh, after some of the attacks from evil people who have never done a good deed in their life, unless it would benefit them in some way. 

I also know that some people who have treated me and others horribly have died before their time. One man was a systems analyst making 6 figures. He ran into a problem at work and didn't know how to fix it, but Instead of saying something, he kept quiet for an entire year. This ruined the pensions of many people. 

Then I overheard him being questioned on the phone and he blamed it on a woman coworker. This lead to his termination. A few years later, he was dead. He was in his mid fifties. 

A few years before he died, my Spirit Advisors (probably Griffin) did tell me: "when he goes to sleep at night, his soul group becons to him from the other side of the veil. He is being relieved of duty." 

Personally, I would love to be relieved of duty, but unfortunately it's not my time. 

When I moved into a different department at SEH America, they had layoffs and I was the only one left in the department, even though I was still learning the job. I was very disappointed about not being laid off and quit shortly after. 

I dislike this world and if I'm the creator of this reality, then I'm very, very disappointed in myself. I suck!
