una (queen of the fairies) Calls Me Peaches

Past Life Reading 

Having a past life regression revealed my past life as a plantation girl who was best friends with a servant girl. It was not okay with my parents, so they removed her from the peach farm. Hasty decisions by my father was common, because he never thought about consequences. Hitting us was second nature for him and writing us off was third.

The only thing my father did right was taking me, hand in hand, year after year, to the train station, so I could visit my grandparents in Tennessee. He only did this to relieve himself of my presence. He never traveled with me and neither did my mother. When I came back home, my best friend was gone. I opened the door and saw a new servant girl. It was devastating. He tried to explain to me about having to be separated and that I had to learn to trust his decisions. He thanked me for trusting his decision and walked away. Hand hitting hand meant the discussion was over or else.

I cried myself to sleep, night after night, until he packed me up and sent me off to Tennessee for good- marking my 13th birthday. Now, celebrating my birthday meant nothing to me. Wounds festered and I named them one by one- each, breaking me more than the next. Navigating this world, with so much injustice, without my best friend, seemed impossible. After necessary patience and much thought, I talked myself into ending my life, never thinking about how this would impact my grandparents. I held a gun to my head and tried not to cry. It was over. Hurting was put to rest.

This past life reading was in 2007 and that's when my spirit advisors began calling me Peaches.

The reading makes me wonder about the intense cravings for biscuits and peaches when I was pregnant with my first daughter. I went through a case of delicious peaches from Salem, Oregon during that time. 
