Just an opinion about stimulants. I think the image says it all:

Coffee time ruins lives and cocaine ruins children's lives. They talk about how cocaine/sex addiction causes self destructive behavior, but what about the destruction of others? 

Cocaine addiction turns men into sex predators who attack anyone or anything. There is a connection and if you need proof, just look at Hollywood. Even light and fluffy son of a son of a sailer sung a funny, light hearted song about snuff films called, 'Let's Get Drunk and Screw.'

Apparently, Haskell the 4th watched too many snuff films, because he beheaded his wife while she was still alive, but not before torturing her. He then went on to kill her parents.

I find it disgusting that so many despisable comedians joke about raping (killing) babies.

Some people wonder why others believe in conspiracy theories. Maybe it's because they were gang raped at 8 years old, by coke dealers. Maybe the child’s mother was warned by her boyfriend that it was going to happen. Maybe he broke up with her because he didn't want to stick around for that. True story.

I find Starbucks regular brew coffee to be disgusting and it makes me ill. It's known to be 30% stronger than regular coffee and a lot of people joke about coffee runs. 

Stimulants can make people crazy! This made me wonder what's going on with all the Mormons gone wild (torturing and killing loved ones), because they don't drink coffee. However, they do drink colas, which are loaded with caffeine and corn syrup, or artificial sweeteners.

Ask servers in restaurants and they'll tell you the worst customers are the ones drinking gallons of diet Coke. I have noticed some restaurants have switched to huge cups, that I hold with two hands, and some people still demand refills. 

I have fatigue problems and use caffeine sparingly, just to keep up with people. However, if I'm overdoing it and super tired, then using a lot of caffeine no longer has the desired effect and it can turn me into a basket case.

I think it's time to make the connection! When these horrifying crimes happen, why is the reaction to shrug and say, "stuff happens"? For me, the connection is so obvious.
