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"One of the most exotic and crazy-looking flowers, Passionflower is greatly needed by the majority of people today.

You may have seen Passionflower in an herbal tea form, commonly recommended as a sleep support.

Passionflower tea works differently from the flower essence. When I drink Passionflower tea I feel the herb literally relaxing all my muscles. I remember when my artist friend had an art showing of her paintings, I made a special tea for the event. There was a healthy dose of Passionflower in the tea – and I remember that many of us were glued to the velvet couch with our heads back listening to music, unable to move we were so relaxed.

The flower essence works energetically, so although it affects the nervous system indirectly which dissolves muscular tension, in comparison to the herbal tea – it goes more to the root cause of what causes tension and stress in the first place.

It helps us let go … of conscious and subconscious sticking points or obstacles. It helps us take breaks, naps and deeper breaths so we can be more effective in everything we do. It improves quality of sleep and helps us work out any issues during sleep.

Passionflower’s magic is to help us slow down a little and let it all hang out, which enhances our awareness, intuition, and spiritual connection. Passionflower also magnifies our sense of abundance, fullness and purity.

So when experiencing muscular tension, frazzled nerves, adrenal overuse, depletion, insomnia, thinking too much and too fast, mental chatter, anxiety, and panic … Passionflower is a powerful ally.

I typically have found that people who want to make sh*t happen in a big way have so many opportunities and things happening, it’s easy to fall into the misperception that more action is better. In reality, doing less is more, especially if the doing is focused on big priorities. Passionflower helps us be more effective and peaceful when we’re working on big visions, ‘chugging’ or building an empire."

