A Message for Gaslighters

Mega feelings after a breakup shunt gaslighters with untold pain. Holding old yearnings for love from mother and father, at bay, puts a heavy burden on others. Your parents love cannot be found in other people. You must find the key to your happiness within and stop blaming others for your mega feelings. Gaslighting behaviors result in your unhappy endings. Ugly, hateful choices by you against others, with the accompanying denials, lies, excuses and blaming (gaslighting), cause your relationships to end before they even begin.

If you're getting feedback from others about your very sad state of affairs, maybe take a chance on gaining wisdom, instead of vindictive revenge and character assassination. Never, ever reach out to those you've abused. Very ugly, raw hate, from you, has given them a case of PTSD. Rest assured, having you show up uninvited makes them nervous to the point of trembling. Hand over your thoughts of reconciliation and turn in your very sad manipulations, voice your concerns to a therapist and move on.
