
Showing posts from January, 2024

I have purged myself of worry

going to be wonderful -Tom Rosenthal

Snow patrol

scratch and sniff (kody brown) and nearly his entire pack are racist and homophobic, so the manager of a restaurant caters to their hate and bigotry, by making sure the family is only served by whites. no words. scratch and sniff also broadcasted propaganda to the world about how 14 year old girls thought Joseph Smith was a Rockstar and wanted to be with him. projection much? soo... scratch and sniff thinks his step daughters view him as a Rockstar and really want to be with him. could that be part of the reason nest shitter (Robyn) cries all the time?

let your love flow -Bellamy Brothers

a thousand years

I like John dehlin of Mormon stories, but didn't appreciate him low key victim blaming a young former Mormon woman for being raped, when he said: "you didn't know any better. our religion didn't teach us about that..." (paraphrased). I guess that means the rest of us are supposed to know better than to get raped, because we didn't grow up in that religion. I don't know, maybe I'm overreacting, but it just doesn't sit right with me.

i witnessed the worst ocean pollution i have ever seen when visiting a beach at the "southernmost point of the United States." the water slapping the shore is covered with pieces of floating plastic. thankfully, the plastic grocery bags have been outlawed there. I saw someone in that area fishing with a plastic bag attached to their fishing line. sick! once, at the transfer station the ground was covered with hundreds of dead fish. Hawaii is way overfished by tourists and others. why can't people learn to enjoy activities that don't involve death and destruction!

I grew up with a ton of air pollution in la and Maine. pollution from factories caused the sun to be blocked out by a hazy sky in Waterville maine. there was Scott toilet paper, chinet paper plate and wool manufacturers creating pollution in the air and water. as a kid in Maine, it seemed like I never saw the sun, even though there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

from the book series, conversations with god

creating a better reality for ourselves and others, always starts with being thankful and counting our blessings. having a grateful heart is far more beneficial than holding a grudge, etc. however, it's not about ignoring the trauma and the healing that must happen. it's about also focusing on Blessings and being grateful. the self reflection required for healing, must also be accompanied with self acceptance and self love.

just like cash, when I was a kid, I was always being told how I should and shouldn't feel and what I should and shouldn't care about. it usually went something like this: "you shouldn't be broken hearted about that, you should be happy about it, because..." this statement would usually be attached to some very twisted, made up bs. I guess maybe they learned that kind of logic from reading the book, I'm okay, you're okay.

lives coacher Heidi Powell asked "cash" (I know!) to answer "viewers" questions about him and obviously the question is all about Heidi, not her son: "what lessons have you learned from your recovering bulimic, anorexic mother?" (paraphrased). of course, young cash has learned to not care what people think of his pimping mom. omg! she's despisable.

I could never be abducted, because I'd go willingly.

Centre of the Universe

what i learned as a barber: if the hair lays down on one side and sticks up on the other, it is caused by the direction of the spiral. as above, so below- macro/micro.

oh no! that can't be! is she serious? I called it, didn't i?

morning has Broken by cat Stevens is such a beautiful song.

you are my gift from the universe.

Dave hollis is the only one who can't tell on her, so she included his photo in her video today. no words.

"nature is our greatest healer; it has the power to mend our broken spirits." -puc puggy

Shoebill stork

Rachel Hollis Announces Her New Book

keep shelly in Athens

I love the sun!

Heidi Powell has a public service announcement for mothers

sneer sucker wearer Heidi powell wears it year round because she doesn't worry about seasons. she really threw a nasty sneer at the end when she said judgement, which I loved. in a bad way.

battleax lives coacher, Heidi Powell, is going up against the "mom haters" with her only, only sneer campaign that makes Dave hollis want to punch his hand up through the ground carrie style. the irresponsible, pussy whipper is busy working on seasoning her kids for a life of marketing, photo ops, conning, lying, cheating, stealing (Dave's car), etc. ick! click for her only, only short! you're going to love it!

saying Marijuana is a gateway drug is like saying biting ones fingernails and cuticles is a gateway to cannibalism. lmao.

such good and true advice. as you wish.


I feel sorry for Heidi Powell because when she asked Dave how she should pose for her videos, he said: "let everyone know you have a pussy." I can't believe she's teaching that to her young daughters.

I'm glad lives coacher Heidi Powell posts shorts so I don't have to listen to hours and hours of her yammering through laughter and tears about absolutely nothing just to hear the fools gold nuggets of utter crap she has to share. the pro bikini tramp caused her ex boyfriend to want to die, relapse, then die, because of her priceless diamelles of wisdom that come straight out of her naugahide. the shameless bish then sent an email to somebody else, blaming them for his untimely death. no words, just intense dislike and more.

it seemed to me that Heidi's second ex husband Chris Powell is a super caring and empathetic person. I saw him wipe snot and tears off people's faces with his bare hands. guys like Chris Powell attract narcissists like Heidi. when she was with Dave, she was always bringing up marriage and kids with him and he was always: nope!

it appears to me that Heidi is not breaking the cycle that caused her severe eating disorders. this image captures her perfect little Minnie me posing perfectly for the camera in Heidi's classic pose. the vast majority of Heidi (75%) is ruled by her ego, the shysty soul crusher!

lives coacher, Heidi Powell is always at it and I wish Dave hollis would rise and give her a good scare. recently, the recovering bulimic put out this little diamelle: "if you don't feel the pain now, then it will hurt ten times more, later." if that's true then why do people repress memories and split? if she repeatedly told Dave this bit of wisdom that she pulled straight out of her naugahide, then it could be another reason he said: no way. I'm out of here. it's time for her to feel the pain that causes her anorexia. she quit the bulimia, because it was ruining her teeth and I'm glad, but... her latest lives coaching message: "you can't experience the highs without the lows." Heidi: if you had even an ounce of empathy for others, then you'd know it's not necessary to experience it for yourself, because you can sense and feel the suffering in others. when I watch the videos of her and Dave, he actually looks scared. I think she's dangerous.

I love my sweetheart.

magical new moon 1/11

60 years for Jodie Hildebrandt for destroying/deeply damaging people, but many narcissists, or whatever they are, get away with their crimes. i think Robyn Brown's favorite song is Borderline.

this played last night all the way to the end (2 hours) and i feel a little less ill this morning: "Alpha waves heal the damage in the body, let go of negative emotions, melatonin release."

into the mystic -van Morrison

a narcissist will do everything in their power to destroy (i mean crush the soul type of energy) a person's love of self. the impact is so devastating that it can last a lifetime without divine intervention.

such a good song—back in the high life again -steve Winwood

one of my orchids is already blooming again.

when I took piano lessons with my girls in the 90's, I loved the song about the magic carpet ride. I was fascinated by the lyrics- fixated on them.

contacting my angel

whenever God shines his light

here i go again: Dave hollis didn't believe in his wife and said her book had a 1% or 3% chance of being successful, but the book, girl wash your face and I think a couple more ended up as ny times best sellers. his attitude seemed to be: "well, if that stupid you know what can do it, then I can." he writes his drivel, then along comes Heidi to take a huge dump on it in her hahahaha, laugh about nothing, podcast. on some level she must have known she was laughing at his pain of discovering she lied about reading it and lied about how good it was. I think she wrote the forward, but not sure. she's not a good friend to people, especially her kids.

I first learned about Heidi Powell from watching extreme weightloss (5 seasons). it was her husband's show, but she was on it sometimes. when they divorced he said she had done something unforgivable. he also said she had untreated anorexia when they met. no word on whether it's being treated or not. I know it's none of my business, but these people kind of make everything everybody's business. I'm not even interested in their stupid stories. I really don't care what those people do with themselves. I enjoy picking on them because they ruin people's lives with their bad advice and money scams.

Hymms to the silence

song of songs: supposedly, the songs of Solomon only refer to oral sex and not sexual intercourse. considering it was a king's version of the Bible, reinterpreted, or whatever, many times over, I have to think the chamber she speaks of is actually her vagina and not her mother's bedroom. just a thought.

inner ninja

before the world was made