Grand Flowers- My Flower Essence Journey

Time is an illusion, they say - everything is happening at once. With this in mind, move into awareness of all your desires happening at the same time. Medical problems - hundreds of which are rocking the world to its core - are manifested in the same way everything else is manifested. Thoughts and words - "right" or "wrong" - take you, yet again, on a journey of either random or deliberate manifestation. Although it's important to realize thoughts and words are powerful, rarely do we see them manifest immediately, in what we would call a miracle. As you painstakingly race against time to accomplish your goals, your dreams kick the bucket. That's why extra care must be shown to your thoughts and words. Now, making time for your dreams is like putting an extra burden on your already busy schedule. Extra time is what you have when you're hungry and dinner is hours away. So when you think about time, remember, it's an illusion. For example, when people in Florida call friends in California, where it's 3 hours earlier, they do not  have to wait 3 hours for them to answer the phone. Very few slackers have trouble with time. About the word slacker... did you notice it as a judgment? Laboring over the dreams of others is not everyone's idea of a good "time". A slacker is not going by anyone else's timeline or tight schedule. Therefore, all a slacker asks is for others to cut them some slack, aka freedom. Parents often pressure their kids to make all kinds of decisions they're not yet ready for. Seventeen year olds rarely know what they'd like to do in the next five minutes, let alone for the rest of their lives . A lot of brain development begins during adolescence and continues into the early 20s. This is where cutting some slack comes in. The suicide rate among teens is sky high and going higher. This hits me so hard on a personal level, because my brother committed suicide when he was 19. He was in the military.

Nothing makes you hurt like the pain of a suicide. Fleeing from years of child abuse, my brother moved to the other side of the veil. Parting takes a punch to the heart that lasts forever and memories of the loved one overwhelm with sadness. Sold fearlessness, miserable, trembling Tom took his own life, leaving his world of game of wars behind. Most wave goodbye after a long fulfilling life, however, oppressed, enslaved people leave early. Trapped in the military, product of brainwashing and abuse, Tom moved on, leaving the failing programs behind.

The reprisals of taking your own life are varied, but when you're in the military you're labeled as weak. Crazy religious dogmas are even worse, sometimes. Nearly all believers in sin, believe suicide IS one. Treacherous mocking of the dead is cruel to the loved ones left behind.

Medical Doctors will eventually move into the natural healing community and it's time for that change. Spirit resides in all of us - flat earthers, ufo enthusiasts, whoever. Ayurveda meets Flower Essences, etc., the game of pharmaceutical companies is coming to an end. Already, women are exploring alternative medicine for their children's so called ADD and ADHD. Rarely do game playing pharmaceutical companies offer non addictive treatments for these conditions.

Flower Essences scientifically proven immediate effects is the reason Rescue Remedy can be found in stores across the world. Today, some psychologists and psychiatrists are prescribing it to their patients for stress and anxiety. Telling the world that Flower Essences can change their life is my mission. Treating ourselves to Flower Essences is like treating a baby to the deep emotional connection of being held close to mom's unconditional loving heart in the safety of her arms. We don't have to have all the answers, we just have to know when something works. Taking Flower Essences wakes us up to our true nature, instead of our so called human nature, given to us by programs. You'll see a change after just a short time of using them. Many people are coming to me with feedback about their Successes with Flower Essences and already, extremely skeptical people feel a difference in their hearts and minds. It's taking their lives in a whole new direction. Flower Essences change our minds and help us with the negative programming, body memories, etc. that keep us in a vicious cycle of self destruction or self sabotage. Fortunately, natural healing is laying the foundation for more natural healing. This momentum feels amazing to new age workers who've remained dedicated to their work in spite of those who don't believe. The ostracism and shunning that some new age workers face can be very, very painful and it hurts on a deep level. I've had to tell myself that hurt is not harm and continue on.

Take it from me, part of the problem is the many taxing attitudes and behaviors from non believers and it's truly the most difficult part of being a metaphysician. Mocking from the medical community is not uncommon, where you'll sometimes hear them deride the "yoga types", etc. You'll find the FDA will crack down on anyone with a cancer treatment, if there's a hint of the word cancer anywhere on the label. Temporary money problems and standing alone within and without the metaphysical community is what happens to you when you've had great success with a healing modality that very few people have ever heard of. So many people confuse Flower Essences with Essential Oils and think I'm involved with multi level marketing. They're not and I'm not.

Fleeing the popular wastes of time, such as movies, I'd rather take a walk in the woods. As frosty people will sometimes tell you that movies are great entertainment and then say they're opposed to violence and war... I wonder: Are you really opposed to violence and war, if you find movies so entertaining? You must agree that violence is violence whether portrayed in a movie or outside the theater.

Fearlessness nags at us, whispers to us and encourages us to leave our worries behind - growing stronger with each step toward freedom. Seldom seen illnesses are becoming more common, while our medical institutions take us, godlessly, into medications. Natural healing requires fearlessness, while fear causes illnesses. Hesitant to try alternative remedies, people sometimes shun those who are working toward a better world. Seldom seen are those who really wish to get better and there are several reasons for this. It's mainly rage, buried deep in the subconscious. Melting our deep feelings of anger requires fearlessness and trust in Ourselves. Take it from me, a raging heart is very destructive.  Now, nagging from fearlessness tells us to boldly face the anger that's making us ill. Gaging from the condition of our world today, not many people are willing to do that. Trapped in a vicious cycle of self destructive behaviors, we feel there's no way out. As fearlessness whispers for us to break through our self doubt and frosty naysayers, we can move into healing, taking rest breaks as needed. Fending for ourselves, in this way, is important because uncovering these feelings is very difficult.

During our lives, we ignore advice from our Doctors, so it's no surprise that we ignore the advice of natural healers. When people ask me for dieting advice, it's not something I'm inclined to give. Pritikin is my favorite diet, but it's more of a lifestyle than a diet. Part of the reason I love Pritikin is I like to eat. Interest in Pritikin wanes when people hear low fat, high fiber. My relationship with avocados is very, very limited.

Letting people make their own choices is what freedom is all about, but when choices are limited to very high calorie, very high fat, deep fried, huge portions of food, it stands to reason people will become sick. Pat yourself  on the back if you are healthy and have escaped the disease epidemics plaguing the United States. Choosing to eat food from these unhealthy menus is like choosing crack cocaine. They're very psychologically addictive. When some people go on a low calorie diet, they can become terrified that they'll die of starvation. This is where Pritikin comes in. The food choices and quantities are as unlimited as the produce selection in a grocery store. I've heard that you burn more calories eating celery than you consume. Food choices are endless when you choose low fat, high fiber. Hitting the salad bar can sometimes be a disaster when you think about all the cheese, thick, high fat dressings, seeds and meats people add. Losing weight is like getting naked. When we take off the layers, we feel more vulnerable and the feelings we've been stuffing down with food come to the surface. Another top reason we give up on a diet is how many people are invested in keeping us in our self destructive cycle. At best, others will ignore our healthy changes, at worst they will bake us a chocolate cake and shove jumbo size chocolate bars at us and exclaim, "Chocolate is good for you, have some chocolate milk".

Ultimately, our life choices are our responsibility, so holding ourselves accountable for our own lives is important. Opportunities for greatness are abundant when we avoid the naysayers and saboteurs. Does that mean avoiding everyone in our life? Maybe. If we hear negative talk, it impacts our minds and makes it difficult for us to succeed. Naysayers are so unsupportive because trying something new is not part of their programming. "What if you fail?" they'll ask. "You'll be disappointed." I've failed at so many things in life and one thing I've learned is that I can handle disappointment. A wise person once said, "Train cars don't leave the tracks, nor do they drive themselves, but they can still crash. You are not a train car, you have choices." The train car represents: "stick with the program" and "fall in line". Having a different view of the world turns out to be a way to get yourself ostracized.

World class healers, in halls of thinking people, heal themselves and others wth Flower Essences. Lady Diana was given Rescue Remedy when she believed her bodyguard was purposely killed in a motorcycle accident that left him decapitated. Salma Hayek, Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil use Flower Essences. "Jennifer Aniston says it keeps her cool under pressure. Cate Blanchett swears by it and Salma Hayek has been a fan for years. Jennifer Meyer Maguire recommends Rescue Remedy by Bach: 'Instantly calms you down when you're stressed out.'" After having such amazing results with them, I have been a fan of them ever since. Building on the Rescue Remedy idea is one called Crisis Comfort, which is for deep emotional pain. All of my troubles are given over to Flower Essences and before I know it, all my cares are gone. Quietly, Flower Essences help me cheer up and find my happy place. Now, when I feel out of sorts, I use Multi-flower. I normally use it 2 or 3 times a day and as needed and can tell when I forget. Turning the corner on my ugly attitudes is an added bonus to my journey. Half my life was a mess because of childhood abuse which left me with a huge chip on my shoulder. Brash, impatient and temperamental, I never felt comfortable in my own skin.

Quitting things was my baddass move. Now my health was a big factor, since I have fatigue that makes it hard to concentrate and function. I didn't like being called a hypochondriac by family, so I soldiered on. This eventually lead to kidney failure, where my leg swelling was so bad I could hardly bend my knees. My daughter and I almost died when I was pregnant with her and I had a blood transfusion with 2 units of blood. I was in the hospital for 8 days and she was born 3 1/2 weeks early. Each morning in the hospital, I'd wake and the Dr. was sitting in my room and finally one morning he said, "We can't figure out why you don't pass out every time you stand up. We think it's because you've never felt good." Nailed it!
