Feathers Appear When Angels are Near - Click for Article

Although our Angels are always near us, looking over us and protecting us, we very rarely know that they are there. Sometimes, our Angels will send us small signs and signals to let us know that they are near, and will always be there to love and support us. These signs can be anything from a subtle flash of light, a rainbow on a gloomy day, or even an unexpected, sudden feeling of love and warmth within you.

One of the ultimate signs your Angels are with you is finding a feather. Coming across a feather in your path, or finding a feather in an unexpected place is thought to be a message from the Angels.

Your Angels will use feathers of all different shapes and colours to offer you comfort or validation when you need it most. Feathers could also be a clue to an answer you have been looking for, or even a message to tell you you’re on the correct path.

So next time you find a feather, pay attention! Although the most common feather sent from Angels is white, Angel feathers can come in all kinds of colours, and the colour of your feather can give additional meaning to the message your Angels are sending you.

Have you found a feather recently? Take a look below to find out what it could mean.


This is the most common Angel feather, and is thought to be a sign of faith and protection. A white feather can also be your Angel telling you that any loved ones in heaven are safe and well. Read more about finding white feathers here.


A pink feather is a sign of love from your Angels. They are letting you know that their love is unconditional.


Purple is a colour that represents spirituality. Perhaps your Angels are prompting you to activate higher thought and connectivity.


A red feather represents courage, strength, stability and good fortune. If you’ve been going through a difficult time of late, your Angels are sending comfort to let you know how strong you are.


Should you find a yellow feather, your Angels may be nudging you to smile, have fun and enjoy life!


Green feathers represent prosperity and growth. If you find a green feather, you’re in luck!


Blue represents communication, so a blue feather may well be your Angels telling you to listen! Blue is also a sign of peace and protection.


Grey feathers can symbolise peace, as well as neutrality. If you see a grey feather in your path, your Angels may be trying to tell you that the answer to a certain situation may not be as straightforward as a yes or no. Read more about grey feathers here.


Brown feathers symbolise home and grounding. Perhaps your home life will see positivity soon!


A black feather is a sign of protection from your Angels. They are here to guard you and repel negative energy. Read more about black feathers here.


Orange feathers will bring you attraction and success! This is a sign that any new ideas or opportunities are approved by your Angels.

No matter what the colour or meaning, finding feathers is a true blessing and a sign of love from your Angels.

