Mega Feelings Now and Then - Click Here for the Message

Mega feelings now and then, are different than the mega feelings of a Narcissist. Attempting to control a self respecting person will irritate them, just as you would expect when interfering in someone's life. Most people have a limit to what they'll tolerate and can become very angry when pushed too far. As children observe a parent's very controlling behavior, they will show signs of mega feelings by moving legs back and forth or bumping them up and down while sitting. Hindsight is 20/20 vision when a seemingly calm individual suddenly explodes in mega feelings. Wouldn't it be nice if we would allow everyone to make their own choices based on their own special needs. I had to learn the hard way to leave my controlling ways behind. Receiving gifts of love from God healed many of my worst problems in life. Always having a chip on your shoulder gives you hard times, until you experience the love of God. A habit can be very, very difficult to change, especially if you are very righteous and very angry. Mega feelings hurt, because a chip on the shoulder fuels your life. Love fuels life and early on love fueled your life.
